Dawn Jorgensen – Silver, Si6


Dawn is a mother of two and grandmother of two precious gems, who was introduced to Young Living Essential Oils™ by her niece and sister-in-law and found her life completely changed almost immediately.

Having suffered from migraines almost her entire life, Dawn was tired of using toxins to mask the pain. She purchased the Premium Starter Kit and puts peppermint on her template and nape of her neck to help balance her body and energize her mind.  Dawn also uses RC to support healthy lung function.

Dawn is delighted to have been introduced to Young Living and wants to share the powerful products with you!

Dawn is also a Silver in Six recipient!!

My favourite oils: Peppermint, R.C.™

Member ID: 1618448
Email: dawn@bluespruce.club
Phone: 705-549-9595


Monia Levesque - Gold


Marilyn Cicuttini - Silver, Si6