Monia Levesque - Gold

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Hello my name is Monia, 

I’m a mom of 3 boy’s and 5 fur babies. My passion is green living and try Smart habits for our lifestyle.

I have a passion for all natural and green-living for my little family.

I was introduce to an amazing product line called Young Living Essential oils and business which has made radical changes in our family and because of this,I’m sharing with thousands of people who like me have been failed by the system.

I have thousands of people on my tribe who I support and they support me as well. I am a sprucer.

I’ve worked in as a Dental assistant level 2 and office manager/coordinator for 29 years. Along my healthy living and healing journey,I have discovered an amazing company called Young Living Essential oils. I had to change my life 7 years ago due to an illness. This is why now I try to teach to get rid of chemicals and live a toxin free home. I started sharing the products with others because I truly wanted to help people and WOW, did it help! So what started out as sharing because I loved the products, has now turned into a full time business for me and our family!

I believe the body can heal itself when supported with clean water, simple organic whole food, daily movement and the healing power of Essential oils. I look forward to learning more about you and how we can assist you in your oily-journey so you can learn to live a spiced up life!


Aromatically yours,

Monia Levesque

Member ID: 10333532
Phone: 416-277-3432

Monia is also a Silver in 6 (Si6) recipient.


Elide Roberti - Silver, Si4


Dawn Jorgensen – Silver, Si6